BBS in a Box 3
BBS in a box - Trilogy III.iso
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Name = 10/92 & 11/92 Acius
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:A:10/92 & 11/92 Acius
Size: 80K Date: 2/05/93 Version:
10/92 & 11/92 Acius - Developer notes for 4D developers for Oct and Nov.
Name = 1st grade 1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:A:1st grade 1
Size: 7K Date: 5/26/87 Version:
Pascal lesson
Name = 1st grade 2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:A:1st grade 2
Size: 8K Date: 5/26/87 Version:
Pascal Lesson
Name = 1st grade 3
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:A:1st grade 3
Size: 12K Date: 5/26/87 Version:
Pascal Lesson
Name = 1st grade 4
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:A:1st grade 4
Size: 12K Date: 5/26/87 Version:
Pascal Lesson
Name = 1st grade 5
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:A:1st grade 5
Size: 12K Date: 5/26/87 Version:
Pascal Lesson
Name = 2Window
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:A:2Window
Size: 30K Date: 9/03/89 Version: 9/3/89
An example of Handling update events in C.
Name = 2nd grade 1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:A:2nd grade 1
Size: 14K Date: 5/26/87 Version:
Pascal Lesson
Name = 3dlib11
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:A:3dlib11
Size:135K Date: 9/24/92 Version:
3dlib11 - GrafSys is a THINK Pascal/C library that provides you with simple
routines for building, saving and loading (as resources), and manipulating
(independent rotating around arbitrary achses, translating and scaling)
three dimensional objects. Objects, not just simple single-line drawings.
Name = 3rd grade 1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:A:3rd grade 1
Size: 14K Date: 5/26/87 Version:
Pascal Lesson
Name = 3rd grade 2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:A:3rd grade 2
Size: 8K Date: 5/26/87 Version:
Pascal Lesson
Name = 4Plus 1.4
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:A:4Plus 1.4
Size: 82K Date: 7/24/91 Version: 1.4
This is version 1.4 of 4Plus, an INIT that makes editing under THINK C
easier. It provides extra popup menus for functions & methods, comments,
and object hierarchy. It also provides many other tools, including a
"stacked" clipboard. Version 1.4 even includes macro definition
capabilities. Written by Donald Way. This version is compatible with
Super Boomerang 2.0.3, although it is not compatible with AltWDEF or
AltCDEF by Alex Colwell; just tell those utilities to exclude THINK C.
Shareware $40.
Name = 68000 Simulator
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:A:68000 Simulator
Size: 28K Date:11/18/88 Version:
68000 Debugger simulator
Name = AE Sample (TC5)
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:A:AE Sample (TC5)
Size: 20K Date: 1/27/93 Version:
AE Sample TC5 - Here is a simple example application which receives the
"Required" Apple events and which sends itself Apple events for some simple
operations. (In other words, it's "factored" somewhat.) Written for THINK
C 5.
Name = AMTempSucker1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:A:AMTempSucker1.0
Size: 41K Date:10/09/92 Version: 1.0
AMTempSucker1.0 - AM Template Sucker will view and extract template
resources from the AppMaker application (useful for editing or browsing
through templates). Useful for all AppMaker programmers. AM Template Sucker
is freeware.
Name = About... 2.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:A:About... 2.1
Size: 47K Date: 1/30/92 Version: 2.1
About... 2.1 allows you to easily add about boxes to your programs.
Name = Acius02/92
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:A:Acius02/92
Size: 72K Date: 2/23/93 Version:
Acius02/92 - This is the Acius 02/92 developer mailer with info on Parsing
and Soundex for 4D developers.
Name = Acius04/92
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:A:Acius04/92
Size: 58K Date: 2/23/93 Version:
Acius04/92 - includes the April 1992 Acius Technotes. Topics covered
include MultipleArrays and sorting tables.
Name = Acius07/92
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:A:Acius07/92
Size: 15K Date: 2/23/93 Version:
Acius07/92 - This is the Acius Technotes for July 1992. This note deals
with NumMonths.
Name = Acius08/92
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:A:Acius08/92
Size: 91K Date: 2/23/93 Version:
AciusTN8-92 - These are the Technical notes From Acius for August'92, along
with the examples that they use.
Name = Acius09/92
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:A:Acius09/92
Size:128K Date:11/06/92 Version: 09/92
Acius09/92 - This is the developer mailing from Acius for 4th Diminsion
users. This issue contains Technote #30 and CustomOpenDLG info. This is the
September 1992 release.
Name = Acius3/92
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:A:Acius3/92
Size: 91K Date: 2/23/93 Version:
Acius 3/92 - This is the Acius technotes for March 1992.
Name = AciusTN8-92
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:A:AciusTN8-92
Size:183K Date: 2/23/93 Version:
Name = acur Picker
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:A:acur Picker
Size: 6K Date: 1/06/91 Version:
This Compactor file contains an animated cursor ('acur' resource) picker
for ResEdit 2.1. Displays the cursors referenced in the 'acur' in a list,
similar to a 'PAT#' resource. If you use ResEdit often, this picker is
a must.
Name = add images
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:A:add images
Size: 50K Date: 1/29/91 Version:
The purpose of this program is to read in two images and display the
additive result of the two images - using any of the documented
color quickdraw modes (the old quickdraw copybits modes may also be
used, but the end result is not very pretty). The two source images can
be offset from each other using the scroll bars on the source image
Name = Ascii Changer 2.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:A:Ascii Changer 2.1
Size: 48K Date: 7/07/93 Version: 2.1
Ascii Changer 2.1 - Ascii Changer will give you the Ascii value of a
character, the octal value of that character, and the Hexadecimal value of
that character. The program is very simplistic, just type in a value, and
the calculations are automatically made. Helpful for Programmers.
Name = Attributor 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:A:Attributor 1.0
Size: 25K Date: 9/29/93 Version: 1.0
Attributor 1.0 - Attributor is an advanced programmer's utility designed to
make life easier for programmers. Since Think C does not provide a way to
set the CODE resource attributes directly (things like "purgeable" or
"preload") and because most of my applications want to unload the
initialization segment, I wrote this utility to stop going into ResEdit all
the time. Also, Think C does not make the SIZE -1 resource purgeable as it
should be. Attributor can change the resource attributes of a specific
resource or of a whole resource family in a single pass. Just create an
ATTR resource inside Attributor with ResEdit and modify it to meet your
Name = AxoCalculator Packag1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:A:AxoCalculator Packag1.1
Size:214K Date: 3/26/93 Version: 1.1
AxoCalculator Packag1.1 - AxoCalculator 1.1 has several potential uses
ranging from a scientific calculator to a multi-language development
environment. It supports Pascal, Basic, Fortran and C in a simple,
interpretted environment. Programs written within AxoCalculator can
interact with the user via standard dialogs. Several programs can be loaded
at the same time, and their assigned names will be appended to the
"Calculator" menu. Programs can be automatically loaded onto the menu each
time AxoCalculator is run. This program is great for simple, through to
moderately complex calculations - especially if they are performed
Name = B-YACC
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:B-C:B-YACC
Size:121K Date:11/16/91 Version:
This is the latest version of Berkeley yacc, ported to MPW. yacc runs as an
MPW tool and thus can easily be used in makefiles. It is definitely NOT
Mac-friendly, but it runs and that's all I really need it to do. This code
is NOT copylefted, so you can do whatever you wish to it as long as you
follow the (quite generous) copyright restrictions. All I had to do was
create a "yacc.make" file. I've also fixed a bug in "output.c", (which I
have sent back to the BSD folk to add to their next release). This way I
can easily patch and update to future revisions of yacc. -- Parag Patel
<parag@sde.hp.com> (20 Oct 1991).
Name = BBEdit 2.5 Demo
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:B-C:BBEdit 2.5 Demo
Size:398K Date: 5/31/93 Version: 2.5Demo
BBEdit 2.5 Demo - BBEdit 2.5 is a fast, robust programmer's text editor
which supports integrated software development in tandem with Symantec
Corp.'s THINK C(TM) version 6.0. It also allows browsing and searching of
source files contained within THINK C and THINK Pascal project documents,
provides integrated support for Apple's MPW(R) ToolServer(TM) 1.0, and the
MPW "411" reference system, and has many other developer-oriented features,
such as text file comparison, extensibility via "drop-in" code
resources,and powerful "grep" search/replace capability. This demo version
has full functionality except for saving and printing files.
Name = BNDL Banger v.1.3
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:B-C:BNDL Banger v.1.3
Size: 21K Date: 9/19/92 Version: 1.3
BNDL Banger v.1.3 - I've been endlessly annoyed by what a pain it can be to
get the system to recognize changes you make to your app's icon, document
icons, etc (all the stuff that's linked via the BNDL resource). CDev
authors, INIT authors, Extension authors and many others have also probably
been through this same hassle. BNDL Banger is a little app that tricks the
system into using your selected app's BNDL-related info ("tricks" = rips
the old BNDL info out of the desktop database and gently coerces the new
BNDL info back in...).
Name = BugReport
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:B-C:BugReport
Size: 40K Date:12/10/88 Version: 1.0
Apple's Outside Bug reporter with instructions
Name = BalloonWriter
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:B-C:BalloonWriter
Size:174K Date: 5/25/91 Version:
This file allows programers to write Balloon help into their programs.
Name = BetaHelper 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:B-C:BetaHelper 1.0
Size: 21K Date:10/28/93 Version: 1.0
BetaHelper 1.0 - This update utility was written to help keep the cost of
software development over the phone lines down to a minimum. It can be very
costly to repeatedly upload new versions of a software to a team of beta
testers every time a bug is fixed, or a new feature is added (plus they
have to pay to download the program). With the assistance of BetaHelper,
only changed resources (including 'CODE') in the software under development
will have to be sent to the test team, thereby cutting upload/download time
to a mere fraction of what is normally needed. In addition, BetaHelper is
very simple to use for the beta tester. Happy development!
Name = Browser 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:B-C:Browser 1.0
Size: 16K Date: 7/24/91 Version: 1.0
MacUser programming project lets you open any file and review contents of
its resource and/or data forks. Written by Kurt W.G. Matthies. From the
11/90 and 1/91 installments of MacUser's Power Programming column. This is
the application only. Compactor file.
Name = Bugs Simulation
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:B-C:Bugs Simulation
Size: 20K Date: 1/06/91 Version:
This archive contains the source, and executable for an application which
shows off a LIFE-like simulation called 'Bugs' which was described in a
Scientific American article. Provides a number of options as to how the
'bugs' will feed. Keywords: Bugs, C, Think C, simulation
Name = C++ FAQ Reference 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:B-C:C++ FAQ Reference 1.0
Size: 88K Date: 7/15/93 Version: 1.0
C++ FAQ Reference 1.0 - This is a stand alone application of Frequently
Asked Questions (FAQ) and answers about C++. These questions and answers
have been beautifully organized, opening with a list of subjects, each of
which can be double clicked providing even more subjects. The organization
makes it very easy to find answers for your questions! (Much easier than
scrolling through text files!)
Name = C++ CDEV
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:B-C:C++ CDEV
Size: 24K Date: 9/09/91 Version:
This Compactor Deluxe Archive contains an example of a C++ base class
(TControlPanel) that implements a control panel device (cdev) and is based
on the C++/Stand Alone code as described in Develop magazine. Keywords:
C++, Control Panel, cdev.
Name = C++Source Code Fmtr
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:B-C:C++Source Code Fmtr
Size:236K Date: 7/28/92 Version:
C++Source Code Fmtr - cdent is an MPW tool which formats C and C++ source
code. By default, the format style is that of The C Programming Language by
Kernighan and Ritchie. An alternative style, developed for MacApp by
Michael Burbidge, is also available. Additionally, the user can specify
.c.Places, Contexts, Commands, and Glue Formatting commands are applied to
specific places in the input. The places where formatting is applied are
defined by cdent and name syntactic entities like opening curly braces
after the condition of an “if” or the “case” label in a “switch” statement.
Name = CArrangeList 1.01ß
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:B-C:CArrangeList 1.01ß
Size: 9K Date: 6/02/90 Version:
An list object for Think C that allows you to rearrange the order of the
Name = CCLD Version 5
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:B-C:CCLD Version 5
Size: 26K Date: 4/14/92 Version:
CCLD Version 5 - This is probably the final version of my Choice List in 4D
code example. This fixes a "bug" in the window type (it was type 0, which
has the invisible resize control, but should be type 4) and makes the
runtime "nicer".
Name = CD-I Developer's Source
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:B-C:CD-I Developer's Source
Size: 9K Date: 5/14/93 Version:
CD-I Developer's Source - contains info on CD-I and available sources for
more information on this topic.
Name = CDlog
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:B-C:CDlog
Size: 33K Date: 7/24/91 Version:
Think Pascal Class Library-compatible class that uses DLOG and DITL
resources to create dialogs. Modeless and modal dialogs are supported.
Includes example and bug fixes from previous versions.
Name = CICNEdit
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:B-C:CICNEdit
Size: 10K Date:12/25/88 Version:
Cicn editor
Name = CIconButton CDEF 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:B-C:CIconButton CDEF 1.0
Size:322K Date:11/20/93 Version: 1.0
CIconButton CDEF 1.0 - The CIconButton CDEF is a custom control definition
procedure that allows developers to elegantly and simply include "icon
buttons" in their applications. These icon buttons are built from one or
more standard 'cicn' resources. The CDEF works under System 6 and 7, is
sensitive to multiple monitors and monitor depths, and works with or
without Color Quickdraw. Mouse tracking can be sensitive to the cicn mask
for non-rectangular controls. Two versions of the CIconButton CDEF are
included - the standard one, and a "lite" one that is slightly slower but
more memory efficient. A detailed explanation of the CDEF feature is
included as well as sample code in THINK Pascal and THINK C.
Name = Color Window
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:B-C:Color Window
Size: 32K Date: 6/02/90 Version:
Source code for an application that uses color for the title bar, scroll
bars, interior... of it's windows. Even though the colors lack taste, this
is a good example of some things that can be done.
Name = CMyWay 1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:B-C:CMyWay 1.1
Size: 58K Date: 9/29/93 Version: 1.1
CMyWay 1.1 - CMyWay is a handy utility intended to help C/C++ programmers
by giving them better printouts of their source files. It creates a single
RTF (Rich Text Format) file from multiple source code files and assigns
user-defined styles to classes of keywords. You will then be able to
further edit and/or print this file using your favorite word processor.
Besides, CMyWay can quickly change the 'EFNT' and 'ETAB' resources used by
many text editors to describe text appearance, so that you don't need to
it manually for each file. Requires System 7.
Name = CODEeditor2.9
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:B-C:CODEeditor2.9
Size:164K Date: 2/23/92 Version: 2.9
The file “CODE editor for ResEdit 2.1” contains a ResEdit 2.1 (or later)
RSSC resource that adds a disassembly viewer to ResEdit to handle CODE and
code-like resources. This allows you to view code resources as assembly
code instead of “raw” hex. When added to ResEdit version 2.1.1 or later,
the CODE editor can also operate concurrently with the basic HEXA editor,
providing editing and searching capabilities as well. The disassembly code
is annotated with the module names extracted from the MacsBug strings in
the code. Navigation facilities are provided to allow viewing related
pieces of code.
Name = CPEditText 1.2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:B-C:CPEditText 1.2
Size: 37K Date:10/28/93 Version: 1.2
CPEditText 1.2 - CPEditText is a class for the THINK Class Library that
implements a simple text editing pane. It supports fixed-width tabs and can
be used to display and edit more than 32k of text. In order to use it, you
must already have Think C version 5.0 or higher.
Name = CPictureButton
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:B-C:CPictureButton
Size: 5K Date:10/09/92 Version:
CPictureButton - CPictureButton is a subclass of TCL's CPicture which
behaves much like CButton. I handles SetClickCmd(), Activate(),
Deactivate() and mouse tracking. You create your PICT resources for an
active button, a deactivated button, and a pressed button. PICT resources
can be in full color, bitmap or object mapped.
Name = C Primer 2nd letter
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:B-C:C Primer 2nd letter
Size: 3K Date: 8/22/92 Version:
C Primer 2nd letter - Enclosed is a TEXT file listing the errata from Dave
Mark's and Cartwright Reed's C Primer, Vol I, 2nd edition.
Name = C Quick Reference 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:B-C:C Quick Reference 1.0
Size: 10K Date:12/10/90 Version: 1.0
A free DisplayDA for quick reference of c types, sizes, ansi,
preprocessors, character constants, operator precedence, and more...
Keywords: c,da,reference,help,thinkc,programming,lsc
Name = C Servant™
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:B-C:C Servant™
Size: 80K Date: 3/04/92 Version:
Freeware - 26 chapter DA of Bill Kernighan's C Tutorial TxtFile for
students of C. All I did was give it a nice DA format amd divide it into
chapters for easier use, also included is C Info, a similarly formatted set
of charts and tables of C miscellany.
Name = CStatusBar
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:B-C:CStatusBar
Size: 13K Date:10/28/93 Version:
CStatusBar - C status bar is THINK C source code for a status bar object
using the THINK Class Library. In order to use it, you must already have
Think C.By Joe Zobkiw.
Name = CTerminal pane 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:B-C:CTerminal pane 1.0
Size: 10K Date:10/28/93 Version: 1.0
CTerminal pane 1.0 - CTerminalPane is a freeware library which provides a
basic terminal display for the Think Class Library. In order to use it, you
must already have Think C version 5.0 or higher. The library comes
pre-configured for TC version 6.0; though it should be easy to rework it to
use version 5. The library does not provide any fancy formatting options,
does not include any terminal emulations (VT52, VT100, etc.), and does not
offer scrollback. These are potential "wish-list" items to be included in
later versions.
Name = cdev Shell
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:B-C:cdev Shell
Size: 7K Date: 6/15/92 Version:
cdev Shell - Copyright (c) 1990,91 by Neal E. Trautman. 'ShareWare' --
Please send $5 contribution to, Neal Trautman, 3700 Clinton Parkway, #1412
Lawrence, KS 66047. This is a Control Panel cdev Shell.
Name = CdevTester
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:B-C:CdevTester
Size: 7K Date: 3/26/93 Version:
CdevTester - The Control Panel tester is a source code file that you can
use to test your cdev code resource files under the THINK C 5.0 environment
with little difference from the operating system.
Name = Clean Source 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:B-C:Clean Source 1.0
Size: 21K Date: 9/29/93 Version: 1.0
Clean Source 1.0 - This application came about because I noticed that the
Think C editor tends to leave some junk in the source. For example if you
are indenting and leave a blank line the editor keeps the tabs that indent
to the proper level. Clean Source removes these extra tabs. The way this is
done has the helpful side effect of removing trailing tabs and spaces that
I sometimes put on the end of a line accidentally. Note that Clean Source
will not change the contents of a comment or a string. The second thing I
put in this application is the ability to put marks for each function in a
program. Clean Source will optionally keep any marks that are not function
Name = CodeKeys 1.0.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:B-C:CodeKeys 1.0.1
Size: 6K Date: 9/16/93 Version: 1.0.1
CodeKeys 1.0.1 - CodeKeys is a very simple system extension that adds
additional functionality to the numeric keypad on standard Apple keyboards.
Though its features are directed towards software development, others may
find it useful as well. Version 1.0.1 of CodeKeys fixes two bugs in the
previous version - The plus and minus keys are reversed on some of the
older keypads thereby reversing the order of the hexidecimal 'E' and 'F'
keys. CodeKeys now checks the keyboard type and reverses them accordingly.
When used with Think C, the number keys would not work with the shift key
down. The number keys will now work the same whether the shift key is held
down or not. Requires System 7.
Name = ColorBits 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:B-C:ColorBits 1.0
Size: 40K Date: 1/14/90 Version: 1.0
ColorBits 1.0.sit is a Color Icon editor.
Name = CompRes1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:B-C:CompRes1.0
Size: 21K Date: 6/15/93 Version: 1.0
CompRes1.0 - CompRes is a Shareware Programmer's tool which allows nearly
transparent run-time resource decompression. With CompRes, you can compress
and decompress your resources using the LZSS compression technology. This
application is only part of the package. With the program included, you can
compress your resources and see how well this compression technique will do
for you. I’m sure you’ll find that if you’re compressing PICT or animation
resources, you’ll achieve very close to a 50% savings in disk space.
Run-time Decompression is quite quick and the whole compression scheme can
save plenty of disk space, especially for graphics.
Name = Compact Disc Formats
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:B-C:Compact Disc Formats
Size: 5K Date: 5/14/93 Version:
Compact Disc Formats - this file describes various CD formats available and
what they are used for.
Name = DA Skeleton 2.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:DA Skeleton 2.0
Size: 9K Date: 7/24/91 Version: 2.0
Version 2.0 of Michael Conrad's Think Pascal DA Skeleton which considerably
eases the work of creating a Desk Accessory (Quoter DA was written on the
foundation of DA Skeleton 1.0). Compactor file.
Name = DBugR 1.05
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:DBugR 1.05
Size: 12K Date: 9/29/93 Version: 1.05
DBugR 1.05 - DBugR is a cool Control Panel for programmers and hackers who
often have to break into MacsBug (or any other debugger supporting the
_DebugStr trap). It puts a floating "small bomb" icon on your desktop which
acts like a button. If the mouse button is pressed and released inside the
icon, there's a user interrupt and MacsBug is called. DBugR can show some
basic info about the current application (name, free memory, max free
block) and/or send one of two user-configurable MacsBug commands to be
executed immediately upon breaks (hold down the Option key when clicking to
send the alternate command). The icon may be moved anywhere on any monitor
by holding down the Shift key and dragging it around.
Name = Data Fork Opener v1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:Data Fork Opener v1.0
Size: 15K Date: 2/08/92 Version: 1.0
Data Fork Opener v1.0 allows you to quickly open the data fork of any file.
It is based on TextEdit so it has a limit of 32K. It is also based on
“BuggyEdit” that came with THINK C 5.0, since it already did 97% of what I
needed, I figured I would “adapt” it a tad. This software is free, I don’t
think anyone would pay for it anyway. It doesn't yet support opening files
from the Finder and some other niceties, maybe someone else will add that
in to a _real_ data fork manipulation application. Enjoy! Joe Zobkiw
Name = DataTool 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:DataTool 1.0
Size: 84K Date:11/22/93 Version: 1.0
DataTool 1.0 - If you've ever had to look at a hex dump of a file one of
your programs has created, and wished that you could translate hex into
short, long, float, char s in your head, then this program is for you!
DataTool is a data browser which supports user defined records and fields.
The user may save a record specification as a hierarchical menu item. This
program will browse any data fork on a mounted volume. DataTool opens the
data forks with read only privileges, so it is impossible for DataTool to
corrupt any of your files. The unregistered version of DataTool will work
for five minutes at a time.
Name = Datafork Editor1.2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:Datafork Editor1.2
Size: 84K Date: 3/26/93 Version: 1.2
Datafork Editor1.2 - Instead of wasting my time in just getting the data
into ResEdit, I decided to waste my time (relatively speaking, of course)
in writing a customized editor for ResEdit to do all of that work for me,
and so was born The Datafork Editor, which I based on ResEdit’s 2.1 API.
Installation of The Datafork Editor is relatively easy, especially if you
already know quite a deal about ResEdit. The only thing that you really
have to be especially careful about is if you’ve already added extensions
to ResEdit.
Name = Datalogger
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:Datalogger
Size: 32K Date: 6/22/93 Version:
Datalogger - DataLogger is an Utility program written as an addition to
Gumboot, the Real World Interface for Macs, and therefore is as Quick and
Dirty as they come. DataLogger was written to provide a tool that would be
very straight forward to use. It was written to make the most out of
Microprocessor Development kits, the one that I am using at present,
Gumboot, is based around the MC68HC11A8.
Name = Date Format
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:Date Format
Size: 10K Date:10/26/92 Version:
Date Format - Lately, I've seen a lot of people asking this question,
"How can I change the System 7 Finder so that it displays the dates in the
short format, (9/7/92) rather than the long format (Fri, Aug 28, 1992)?"
Since I hadn't seen the answer posted, I decided to experiment & find out.
However, since the System 7 Finder no longer has the LAYO resource, this
proved to be somewhat complicated. The Finder's display preferences are
stored the the 'fval' resource, ID = 128. In order to edit this resource,
you will need ResEdit and the 'fval' template.
Name = DebugWindow 1.4
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:DebugWindow 1.4
Size: 21K Date: 9/21/93 Version: 1.4
DebugWindow 1.4 - DebugWindow is a great little utility for any developer
using Think C 5.x or6.x or HyperCard. It mimics the Windows utility DBWIN,
allowing you to easily do printf() style displaying of debug strings from
your program to theDebugWindow. Not only that, but you can also save any
information you've printed to DebugWindow to a TeachText document. It's
great for those times when you want to display debug messages to yourself
without jumping back to MacsBug or going through the tedious process of
stepping through your program with a debugger. Version 1.4 enhancements -
ability to clear DebugWindow's screen from your program, and the source
code is now included. Requires System 7.
Name = DevScraps 1.0(Useful Tips)
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:DevScraps 1.0(Useful Tips)
Size:278K Date:10/28/93 Version: 1.0
DevScraps (Useful Tips) - DevScraps is designed to help the Macintosh
programmer get at required technical information quickly and easily.
DevScraps focuses on elusive and hard to find data that will help make your
Mac programs more compatible with newer software products, easier to use,
and more robust in general. It was put together to help the author keep
track of all of the tricks learned along the way. Many examples are in
C, assembler or Pascal. Some examples are language independent and are
more concept oriented. Contains over 200 cards packed with information!
DevScraps requires HyperCard. Freeware.
Name = Dhrystone v2.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:Dhrystone v2.1
Size: 67K Date:12/31/91 Version: 2.1
Dhrystone v2.1 contains programing code for doing Drystone tests.
Name = DialScript1.7
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:DialScript1.7
Size: 63K Date: 2/23/92 Version: 1.7
DialScript 1.7 - is intended to complement terminal emulation programs that
lack a good macro capability for automatic and intelligent' login.
Typically, users run DialScript to set up the modem, dial a phone number
and step through a login sequence for a remote computer. When the login is
complete, they switch either automatically or manually to a standard
terminal emulator and proceed. DialScript is an interpreter for an
extremely simple programming language roughly based on finite state
automata. Statements in the language interact with the serial ports by
either sending strings to them or waiting for strings from them.
Name = Dialog Editor 1.0b2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:Dialog Editor 1.0b2
Size: 23K Date: 9/19/92 Version: 1.0b2
Dialog Editor 1.0b2 - Dialog Editor is a control panel that allows users to
edit dialogs on the fly. 1.0b2 fixes some internal bugs and adds the
ability to show dialog item numbers.
Name = DinkClassSharewarePackage
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:DinkClassSharewarePackage
Size:180K Date: 3/26/93 Version:
DinkClassSharewarePackage - DinkClass is a small Think C5.0 (and MPW C++)
application framework for system 7 applications. It was developed in part
to help define a process model and associated documentation standard for
the way object oriented software is developed. The process model and
documentation standard are developed from the maintenance programmer's
point of view. The process model turns out to be a model of the manner in
which features are added to an existing body of code, and is virtually
identical to Grady Booch's "Round-Trip Gestalt Design" discussed in his
book Object Oriented Design with Applications.
Name = DisAsm
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:DisAsm
Size: 25K Date: 7/24/91 Version:
A good public domain disassembler for the Macintosh.
Name = Disasm Hack
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:Disasm Hack
Size: 4K Date:12/29/92 Version:
Disasm Hack - This is a skanky hack to extract the disassembly from
ResEdit's code editor to a text file for further study or annotation.
It uses James Walker's TextCapture FKEY, and QuicKeys (for ResEdit->HC
Name = Dr.Circuit
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:Dr.Circuit
Size: 67K Date: 7/28/92 Version:
Dr.Circuit - Dr. Circuit is a Macintosh program that is a design tool for
circuit designers. It can help reduce the amount of rewiring that happens
in the lab. The program analyses linear, analog circuits and can display
the waveform at any node, the frequency response or the phase response. It
can be used for amplifiers, filters, and any circuit which uses resistors,
capacitors, inductors, op amps and voltage or current sources. The op amps
provide quite a bit of flexibility because they can be used for
amplification, inversion, differentiation, integration and much more.
Name = Drawing Tips
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:Drawing Tips
Size: 3K Date: 7/24/91 Version:
This is an explanation by Patrick Doane of four different rates of drawing,
their rates, disadvantages and advantages, plus an explanation of
compatability among them. Highly recommended for anyone doing high speed
Name = Driver 2.2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:Driver 2.2
Size: 16K Date:11/10/93 Version: 2.2
Driver 2.2 - Information concerning the installation of device drivers.
THINK C provides a very nice environment for writing device drivers.
Unfortunately, they do not tell you how to get them installed and running.
This document, and the code provided here, will give some background on the
problem and solutions. Refer to the Device Manager chapter of Inside
Macintosh for more information.
Name = DropInfo
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:DropInfo
Size:118K Date: 5/14/93 Version:
DropInfo - DropInfo is the sample dropbox for the DropShell dropbox
building system. It shows how REALLY EASY it is to make a dropbox using the
DropShell, including full support for scriptability, recordability, balloon
help and more! It is also useful as a working application to change Finder
info (name, Finder Flags, etc.) on any file, folder or disk dragged onto
Name = Dynamic Math1.0.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:Dynamic Math1.0.1
Size: 31K Date: 5/22/93 Version: 1.01
Dynamic Math1.0.1 - This is an update to Dynamic Math v1.01, which is a
library for Think C programmers. It sparses and intersects formulas written
in ASCII II. Obvious uses are for testing and visualizing formulas.
Name = EDITmOR
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:EDITmOR
Size: 17K Date: 7/09/89 Version: 1.0
EDITmOR v1.0 is a DA that allows you to extend your editor or your Word
Processor. This editor allows you to write ECMD's and other programing
Name = Errditor 1.03
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:Errditor 1.03
Size: 29K Date: 9/29/93 Version: 1.03
Errditor 1.03 - Errditor is a powerful graphical editor for system error
and system startup alerts. It lets you modify or move text, icons, buttons
and even procedures (assembly-language programs that are associated to some
of the alerts). When launched, Errditor automatically reads the current
System alert tables (DSATs), makes a copy of them and displays the first
alert of the first DSAT- which will usually be the "Welcome to Macintosh"
alert. Use the arrow buttons to move across the alert tables. You may
choose to see empty alerts and unreferenced procedures from the Options
menu. The System will not be modified unless you select "Install into
current System" and repeatedly confirm your command.
Name = EventMonitor V1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:EventMonitor V1.0
Size: 12K Date: 6/08/92 Version: 1.0
EventMonitor V1.0 - This is a debugging tool for programmers. Ths control
panel will provide event information and monitor your progress.
Name = External Resources
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:External Resources
Size: 14K Date: 2/14/92 Version:
External Resources is THINK C source showing how to use resources from
external files. By Joe Zobkiw.
Name = FB_AppleEvents
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:FB_AppleEvents
Size: 8K Date: 5/27/92 Version:
FB_AppleEvents - This source code shows the complete details of how to
build application that implements the required four Apple Events under
System 7. A sample text document is opened and displayed in response to an
Open or Print event sent from the Finder. Also included are examples of
in-line assembly language used to implement some of the required PPC
toolbox calls. (FUTURE BASIC is a trademark and copyrighted product of
Zedcor, Inc.)
Name = FKEY Shell 1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:FKEY Shell 1.1
Size: 12K Date: 9/29/93 Version: 1.1
FKEY Shell 1.1 - FKEY Shell is a free application that will let you launch
your favourite FKEYs without installing them in the System file. To install
a new FKEY, first make a copy of the original FKEY Shell application and
rename it to the FKEY's name. Then use ResEdit to copy one or more FKEY
resources from the files they came in and paste them into the application's
copy (any resource ID's will be fine). Under System 7, you may put the new
application in your Apple Menu Items folder to have your FKEYs nice and
handy all the time.
Name = FKeys
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:FKeys
Size: 10K Date: 6/15/92 Version:
FKeys - InvisiWin FKey - This FKey makes the content region of the front
window transparent. InvisiWin FKey - This FKey sends the FrontWindow to the
back of the Window List. InvisiLayer FKey #0 - This FKey makes the content
region of all windows transparent. All FKeys are Copyright (c) 1988,89 by
Neal E. Trautman. 'ShareWare'
Name = FORTRAN Goodies
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:FORTRAN Goodies
Size:131K Date: 4/12/93 Version:
FORTRAN Goodies - contains over 10 Fortran tools for the Fortran programer.
From the Language systems BBS.
Name = Fedit 3.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:Fedit 3.1
Size: 28K Date: 7/24/91 Version:
Version 3.1 is the last Shareware release of John Mitchell's excellent Mac
sector editor. Compactor file.
Name = File Dropper 1.1b3
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:File Dropper 1.1b3
Size: 56K Date: 9/10/93 Version: 1.1b3
File Dropper 1.1b3 - File Dropper is a THINK C 6.0 library that implements
an application that you can drop files or folders onto to do batch
operations on. It handles the getting of the AppleEvents if running under
System 7, the main event loop, and the menus. You need only write the code
that acts on the individual files. New to this version - Now when you drop
a folder onto your File Dropper application, all the files inside are
processed instead of just the first one. Requires System 7.
Name = FileFile Readers
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:FileFile Readers
Size: 40K Date:10/09/92 Version:
FileFile Readers - Part of a family of programmer's tools. This is a 'Drag
and Drop' Application that reads the text, using Macintalk, of any file
dropped onto it. These file readers have been tested using Macintalk 2.0
and system 7.0+, 6.0.4 and 3.2 on a 512ke, an SE and a PB140. File_Reader
and Blind Freddie are Shareware. File_Reader and Blind Freddie are © 1992
Paul B Jones All Rights Reserved.
Name = FillComment2.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:FillComment2.0
Size: 5K Date:12/29/92 Version: 2.0
FillComment 2.0 - FillComment 2.0 is an FKEY for use with the THINK C 5.0.3
or later editor. It takes a standard C style comment and formats the
comment text. The text is wrapped when so that no characters are past the
79th column.
Name = Find Fat Projects 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:Find Fat Projects 1.0
Size: 24K Date: 9/29/93 Version: 1.0
FindFatProjects 1.0 - Find Fat Projects is a little utility designed to
make life easier for Think C programmers. All it does is to scan any folder
or disk you drop on it and make a list of all projects that happen to be
larger than 15K. A large project usually has objects in it, and since
objects take lots of disk space you may want to remove them before making
backup copies (or just to free some disk space). If you only have a couple
of projects this is not a problem, but if you have some more of them Find
Fat Projects will help you a lot.
Name = Findit 1.1.2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:Findit 1.1.2
Size: 16K Date: 4/30/93 Version: 1.1.2
Findit 1.1.2 - One of the things that drives me nuts is trying to find out
what header file Apple put a function prototype into. Some are obvious some
are not. So I wrota program to search through a folder, (or some folders,
(or some folders inside other folders), full of text files for a text
string. If you think this is a stupid program send me a postcard or an
E-mail message antell me why. Just drag a folder onto the FindIt icon. It
is OK if there are some non-text files in the folder FindIt will skip
Name = Floating Archive
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:Floating Archive
Size: 37K Date: 7/24/91 Version:
Here is some source for impeementing floating windows. It's very fast and
doesn't experience the slowdown when using Apple routines with many windows
on the desktop. This also includes code for managing the windows and
activating/deactivating windows properly. If you've ever been interested in
using floating windows or are using them now, take a look at this file.
From Patrick Doane, The Unknown Software Group.
Name = Fold Machine v3.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:Fold Machine v3.0
Size:107K Date:12/08/91 Version: 3.0
Welcome to the Fold Machine. This utility is designed to help programers
who work on the same project to “fold” their changes into the master copy
of their group’s project. The assumption under which this application
functions is that your programming group keeps a master folder containing
the “official” current project and source code. Each programmer has a copy
of this folder which he or she uses when writing new pieces of the program.
Name = FutureBASIC 1.0 (ML)
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:FutureBASIC 1.0 (ML)
Size: 7K Date:10/31/92 Version:
FutureBASIC 1.0 (ML) - This is Future basic code from Mike Lininger for
Second Sight Utilities Colorwheel and Secs2Date.
Name = GNU Chess 3.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:GNU Chess 3.0
Size:129K Date: 7/24/91 Version:
Macintosh implementation of GNU Chess 3.0, though not by GNU themselves.
It is a very nice Mac-like program, and comes with COMPLETE SOURCES in
Think C 4.0, though it should be usuable with MPW or other C compilers on
the Mac. Worth a look! Compact Pro file.
Name = Generic MPW Tool
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:Generic MPW Tool
Size: 12K Date:12/08/91 Version:
GenericTool by Doug Wyatt, May 1991. Freeware. Source for tiny MPW tool
whose entire purpose is to load the rest of itself from a code resource,
PROC 981, which is (typically) written in THINK C.
Name = Generic init
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:Generic init
Size: 38K Date: 7/15/93 Version:
Generic init - This is a generic timed init that makes use of the Time
Manager and the Notification Manager. BE WARNED - used as is this init will
put up an alert every ten seconds until you hold down the command key while
dismissing the alert. This was my first init and I'm trying to save folks
the mess I went through in figuring it out. I'm sure there are ways to
optimize the code and if anyone can make improvements, in the code or in
the commented documentation please do so and pass them on.
Name = GESTALT! 2.8
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:GESTALT! 2.8
Size: 21K Date:10/28/93 Version: 2.8
Gestalt! 2.8 - This application uses the Gestalt trap ($A1AD) available in
System 6.0.4 and later to show various info about your Macintosh, giving
values and explanations. See Inside Mac for more info. Different selectors
are shown with different versions of the system (I've tried 6.0.4-6.0.7,
and 7.0-7.1). Hold down the option key while launching to get a complete
list of known selectors. You may add selectors. Use ResEdit to modify the
"GST#" resource. A template is provided.
Name = Gestalt-Selectors-213.etx
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:Gestalt-Selectors-213.etx
Size: 34K Date:11/20/93 Version: 213
Gestalt Selectors List 2.1.3 - First published - 12 October 1992, Last
modified - 14 November 1993. Supplemental to the selector codes listed in
the Gestalt Chapter of Inside Macintosh VI (IM VI), that is. These can
include selector codes installed by Apple (system) software or by software
from third parties (your software?). About IM Operating System Utilities -
First it was scheduled for Winter 1992, then delayed until June and later
to October 1993. Now I heard it will probably be released in May 1994.
Retail price in Holland will be around $25.
Name = Gestalt Selectors
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:Gestalt Selectors
Size: 22K Date: 6/28/93 Version:
Gestalt Selectors - Supplemental text document to the selector codes listed
in the Gestalt Chapter of Inside Macintosh VI (IM VI). These can include
selector codes installed by Apple (system) software or by software from
third parties. This will be useful to programmers and owners of Inside Mac.
Name = GetKeys
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:GetKeys
Size: 6K Date:10/14/92 Version:
GetKeys - GetKeys is a utility designed to make it easier for C programmers
to check for key depressions with the Event Manager routine GetKeys.
GetKeys returns a KeyMap, which is four longs, with one or more bits set in
the map that represent the keys that are currently depressed. GetKeys shows
you the current GetKeys key map in hexadecimal. Also, if a single key is
depressed, it generates a C-language expression that can be used to detect
that key. The GetKeys window contains a Copy button, which will copy the
displayed C code expression into the clipboard, which you can then paste
into your code.
Name = GifFormat.TXT
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:GifFormat.TXT
Size: 44K Date:12/11/89 Version:
This text file explains the GIF, LZH, ZOO and many other formats in detail.
Name = Global Search 1.03
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:Global Search 1.03
Size: 10K Date: 9/29/93 Version: 1.03
GlobalSearch 1.03 - Global Search is a small utility that lets you search
for an hexadecimal or character string in all the resources of a file. It
generates a text file named "xxx.scan" (where xxx is the name of the
searched file) with a log of all the matches that have been found. Each
match is shown in the form - [RES TYPE] [RES ID] "[RES NAME]"
$[OFFSET]where [offset] is the offset in bytes from the beginning of the
resource. Global Search was written for all ResEdit users (such as myself)
who miss a global "Find Hex" command in that otherwise wonderful
Name = GlobalView 1.0.6
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:GlobalView 1.0.6
Size: 26K Date: 9/29/93 Version: 1.06
GlobalView 1.0.6 - Global Variables Viewer is an application for the
Macintosh which allows you to check the data of Low Memory Global Variables
with it's meaning, address and data length. The data of Low Memory Global
Variables is shown in Hex format, but if the data type is Pascal String,
it's shown in ASCII string. You can search Low Memory Global Variables by
some keyword included in Name or Meaning field. Has been successfully
tested with Systems 6.04 and 7.0 and 7.1.
Name = Go Gestalt 1.0b
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:Go Gestalt 1.0b
Size: 15K Date:10/28/93 Version: 1.0b
Go Gestalt 1.0b - Go Gestalt is a simple utility to give you information
about your Macintosh and its use is straight forward. Launch Go Gestalt and
select Go from the File menu. This will bring up the Go Gestalt main
window. Then select whatever you wish from the main window popup menu. Then
select Done from the popup menu when you are finished. Then select Quit
from the File menu to exit Go Gestalt. Go Gestalt was written as a utility
for those users that have a curiosity about the inner workings of their
Macintosh. Go Gestalt works by making a call to the Gestalt Manager with
the appropriate selector and then posting the results in the Go Gestalt
main window.
Name = GrafSys121.rel
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:GrafSys121.rel
Size:387K Date: 3/26/93 Version: 1.21
GrafSys121.rel - GrafSys is a THINK Pascal/C library that provides you with
simple routines for building, saving, loading (as resources), and
manipulating three dimensional objects. Objects, not just simple
single-line drawing. GrafSys supports full 3D clipping, animation and some
(primitive) hiddenline/hidden-surface drawing with simple commands from
within YOUR PROGRAM. GrafSys also supports full eye control with both
perspective and parallel projections (If you can't understand a word, don't
worry, this is just show in off for those who know about it. The docs that
come with it will try to explain what it all means later on).
Name = Graphic Gems Vol. 1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:Graphic Gems Vol. 1
Size:171K Date:12/29/92 Version:
Graphic Gems Vol. 1 - This is the source code for the programs found in
"Graphics Gems Volume I", published by Academic Press. This is over 500K
(decompressed) of PUBLIC DOMAIN snippets for 2D, 3D, and raster graphics
routines. Many topics are covered, all files are documented in the above
Name = Graphic Gems Vol. 2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:Graphic Gems Vol. 2
Size: 86K Date:12/29/92 Version:
Graphic Gems Vol. 2 - This is the source code for the programs found in
"Graphics Gems Volume II", published by Academic Press. This is about 270K
(decompressed) of PUBLIC DOMAIN snippets for 2D, 3D, and raster graphics
routines. Many topics are covered, all files are documented in the above
Name = Graphic Gems Vol. 3
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:D-G:Graphic Gems Vol. 3
Size:117K Date:12/29/92 Version:
Graphic Gems Vol. 3 - This is the source code for the programs found in
"Graphics Gems Volume III", published by Academic Press. This is about 390K
(decompressed) of PUBLIC DOMAIN snippets for 2D, 3D, and raster graphics
routines. Many topics are covered, all files are documented in the above
Name = Hax 2.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:H-K:Hax 2.1
Size: 33K Date: 4/25/92 Version: 2.1
Hax 2.1 - let’s say you have 200 TEXT files and their Creator type is MSDB
and when you double click on the icon in the Finder you get the old ‘The
document “Bla Bla Bla” could not be opened…’ By changing the the Creator to
lets MWII not only will you be able launch the old files into MacWrite II
from the Finder you will also get icons instead of those ugly generic
document icons. Anyway hax 2.1 will now change all 200 hundred files in
just a few mouse clicks (provided they are all in the same folder).
Name = HeaderFKEY 1.0a7
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:H-K:HeaderFKEY 1.0a7
Size: 14K Date:12/10/90 Version: 1.0a7
This is version 1.0a7 of Header FKEY, a FKEY that creates nicely
formatted functino comment headers. This version has more options,
a preview mode, and should work with Think C 100%. It also works with
MPW, except that it doesn't import from MPW yet (nor from Think C,
that's coming next). This FKEY makes the job of writing comment headers
for your code much more pleasant. I use it all the time now. You should
too! (Shareware, source code available ).
Name = Hello Tabby
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:H-K:Hello Tabby
Size: 9K Date: 7/25/89 Version:
Hello Tabby is pascal code (Light Speed) for developing Tabby Products.
Name = Help Package
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:H-K:Help Package
Size: 18K Date: 6/15/92 Version:
Help Package - The Help Package was written with programmers,
compatibility, and ease of use in mind. Developers using this help system
can be assured of compatibility with System 6 and later. What does it do?
This package of routines creates a Help menu or adds menu items to the Help
Menu under System 7. When the user selects one of the items, the Help
routines display a dialog with scrollable text from a TEXT resource you
define. It's so easy to use these routines, you can add them to a
completed project with VERY minor changes to your source.
Name = Hex Key
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:H-K:Hex Key
Size: 31K Date:11/06/92 Version:
Hex Key - What Hex Key does is it presents a dialog into which you can
enter either decimal or hexadecimal numbers, selectable by radio
button. After you hit "Okay", or the return or enter keys, the numbers will
be converted to the appropriate values in the alternative number formats.
In other words, if you enter a hex value, the number will be converted to
its appropriate form in FOND, Fixed and Fract decimal. If you enter a
decimal number, it will be shown in FOND, Fixed and Fract hex. Where a
number falls outside the range of the format, the text "N/A" is shown, so
you don't act upon a bogus number.
Name = INIT Debugger v1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:H-K:INIT Debugger v1.0
Size: 5K Date: 1/30/92 Version: 1.0
The INIT Debugger is a useful System Extension that allows you to easily
break into your debugger suring the startup process. Just hold down the ‘D’
key while The INIT Debugger loads and the debugger will be invoked. Many
times, when debugging Extensions you want to be able to break into MacsBug
(or TMON) just _after_ Extension XYZ loads but just _before_ Extension ABC
loads. This can be impossible, a pain, etc. and takes much skill and maybe
a few tries! By renaming The INIT Debugger you can make it load in-between
two other Extensions and invoke the debugger right in between them both!
Name = INIT Shell
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:H-K:INIT Shell
Size: 6K Date: 6/15/92 Version:
INIT Shell - Copyright (c) 1990,91 by Neal E. Trautman. 'ShareWare' --
Please send $5 contribution to, Neal Trautman, 3700 Clinton Parkway, #1412,
Lawrence, KS 66047. This is an INIT Shell.
Name = Infinity Windoid
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:H-K:Infinity Windoid
Size: 26K Date: 3/26/93 Version:
Infinity Windoid - This archive contains the source for a standalone code
resource that conforms to a Window DEFinition (WDEF), as defined by Apple
Computer in Inside Macintosh. It provides a 'windoid' appearance. A windoid
is a floating window that appears above document windows in an application
and is commonly used for things like tool palettes, information windows,
and the like. The WDEF included in the ResEdit file can be used as-is, but
if a zoom box is to be used, you will probably want to change the behavior
of what is included (by default, it zooms smaller rather than larger as
described in the source code).
Name = Inside Mac Indexes
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:H-K:Inside Mac Indexes
Size:185K Date: 2/16/93 Version:
Inside Mac Indexes - New IM Index contains an index to the first five
volumes of New Inside Macintosh, “Files”, “Memory”, “Processes”, “Macintosh
Toolbox Essentials” and “Overview”. The entries are of the form “X1-2”,
where “X” is the first letter of the volume name, “1” is the chapter
number, and “2” is the page number. The exception to this numbering scheme
is Overview, which doesn’t use chapter numbers. (Don’t ask me why --
obviously the book teams at Apple weren’t talking to each other.)
Name = InstallCustomIcon
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:H-K:InstallCustomIcon
Size: 9K Date:10/02/92 Version:
InstallCustomIcon - Part of a family of programmer's tools. A 'Drag and
Drop' Application that changes the 'Use Custom Icon' flag in any file
dropped onto it. Although you may compile an Application with a Custom Icon
in the Resource Fork, Turbo Pascal, and others, leave you to Set the Use
Custom Icon flag with ResEdit. If this fag is not set then Finder will
ignore your Custom Icon and use the 'Standard' Icon.
Name = Introduction to DAL 1.1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:H-K:Introduction to DAL 1.1.1
Size:155K Date:11/01/91 Version: 1.1.1
This stack is designed to be an introduction to relational databases, the
SQL query language and Apple's Data Access Language. Copyrighted by Apple
Computer 1990.
Name = K & R
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:H-K:K & R
Size: 7K Date: 6/15/92 Version:
K & R - contains programing info in DA format. By Neil Trautman.
Name = KeMo Lib 1.5
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:H-K:KeMo Lib 1.5
Size: 84K Date:11/10/93 Version: 1.5
KeMo Lib 1.5 - This package is essentially a set of functions to help write
reaction time experiments on the Mac. The KeMo Reaction Timing Utilities'
functionality currently consists of the following - a timer with 20
microsecond resolution; polling functions for ADB devices, such as
keyboards and mice, with +/-1.4 to +/-2.1 msec accuracy, depending on your
Mac (as opposed to the +/- 8 to +/-16 msec accuracy that you get with
"normal" Toolbox functions like GetKeys); a screen refresh synchronization
function for all Macs; functions that hide and show the menu bar; and a
function to make all other applications quit (System 7 required).
Name = kgarten2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:H-K:kgarten2
Size: 9K Date: 5/26/87 Version:
Name = kgarten3
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:H-K:kgarten3
Size: 6K Date: 5/26/87 Version:
Pascal Lesson
Name = kindergarten 1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:H-K:kindergarten 1
Size: 7K Date: 5/26/87 Version:
Pascal Lesson
Name = Linear Network Analysis
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:M:Linear Network Analysis
Size:200K Date:10/02/92 Version:
Linear Network Analysis - a graphical analog circuit simulator - can do
several types of circuit analysis and plot the results.
Name = LogIt
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:M:LogIt
Size: 13K Date: 6/10/92 Version:
LogIt - LogIt is a free utility written using Think C 4.0.5. Its sole
purpose is to be an event-logger; i.e., to enable users to keep track of
the times at which various events have occurred and to record descriptions
of those events in a log. That log can be edited in all the usual
text-editing ways, can be saved to disk, and can be printed. If you have
problems printing or copying and pasting large amounts of text, increase
the amount of memory available in the Get Info box.
Name = LogoMotion101
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:M:LogoMotion101
Size:511K Date: 5/22/93 Version: 1.01
LogoMotion101 - LogoMation is a programming environment for people young
and old alike, doing their first steps in programming. It introduces the
concepts of programming and program design through a programming language
that supports advanced graphics, animation, and sound.
Name = mini
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:M:mini
Size: 54K Date:10/02/88 Version:
Source Code for the MiniTerm program.
Name = M Loc 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:M:M Loc 1.0
Size: 8K Date: 6/22/93 Version: 1.0
M Loc 1.0 - Shows the location of the mouse on the screen, either in Global
or Local co-ordinates. Why ? It proved to be useful while I was doing some
programming and graphics. This program requires Multifinder (System 6) or
System 7.
Name = MacBinary C Source
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:M:MacBinary C Source
Size: 4K Date:12/31/91 Version:
This file contains MacBinary C Source code for programers wishing to build
telecom file transfer programs.
Name = MacGSMenuINIT
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:M:MacGSMenuINIT
Size: 4K Date: 5/22/93 Version:
MacGSMenuINIT - This INIT was written to allow MacGS to peacefully co-exist
with such extensions as BeHierachic and MenuChoice, which unfortunately do
not restore an application's resource file context after they execute.
Name = MacGadgets™ Demo
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:M:MacGadgets™ Demo
Size:101K Date: 3/22/92 Version:
MacGadgets is a Human Interface Design Kit that gives your application a
three-dimensional, gray-scale appearance comparable to that enjoyed by
users of NeXT, Open Look and Windows 3.0. In addition to enhanced versions
of the familiar rounded-corner buttons, check boxes, radio button, scroll
bars, windows, alerts and dialog boxes, MacGadgets offers an attractive
suite of graphical devices comprising icon buttons, sliders, gauages,
square-corner buttons, lines, boxes, pop-ups, scrolling list, display text,
calendars, palettes, annunciators and counters. All of the above are
resources that can be installed with a resource editor.
Name = MacOberon 4.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:M:MacOberon 4.0
Size:460K Date:11/20/93 Version: 4.0
MacOberon 4.0 - Look at Oberon as a preview of Pink. The ideas behind
Oberon are very similar to the 'Object Oriented Operating System'
Apple/Taligent is pursuing. The best way to describe Oberon is as if
HyperCard were an operating system, and much more powerful. It's very
slick, and very extensive. Though MacOberon is an application rather than
an OS, and its interface is un-Mac-like, it is a joy to use, and gives a
good indication of the way things will be heading, hopefully. MacOberon
requires a Mac with a 68020 CPU and a floating point coprocessor (or FPU
init), and will not run on a Classic. Read the screen for hints.
Name = MacRecorder® HackersToolkit
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:M:MacRecorder® HackersToolkit
Size: 19K Date:12/24/89 Version:
MacRecorder HackersToolkit.sit is a programers guide ti using calls to
Name = MacSnoop™ Demo
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:M:MacSnoop™ Demo
Size: 55K Date: 7/22/92 Version: demo
MacSnoop™ Demo - While not yet up to the full capabilities of FEDIT in
terms of file recovery tools, it does have many wished for enhancements not
the least of which is full HFS and MFS support. In addition, the overall
design allows multiple volume/directory and editing windows open on the
Desktop and a closer adherence to the Macintosh User Interface.
Name = MacStarter
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:M:MacStarter
Size: 61K Date:10/27/92 Version:
MacStarter - MacStarter.π is a simple application shell I have written
for myself in THINK C 5.0. Mostly, it provides the basic window behavior,
dragging, changing size, zooming, closing and vertical and horizontal
scroll bars. It uses a window class to provide these behaviors. You create
your own window by filling in the blanks in the definition of a subclass of
the window class. You don't really need to know anything in advance about
object-oriented programming to use this shell. I wrote the program this way
because it allowed me to localize the changes that you need to make to one
file, applicationProcs.c.
Name = MacsBug Help
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:M:MacsBug Help
Size: 13K Date: 1/30/92 Version:
This is a help file for those getting into MacsBug.
Name = Mandrake 1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:M:Mandrake 1.1
Size: 5K Date: 6/15/93 Version: 1.1
Mandrake 1.1 - Another in a family of programmer's tools. This is a 'Drag
and Drop' Application that changes the 'Visible' flag in any file selected
or in any file dropped onto it. Use it to hunt down Disk filling Temp Files
etc, or hide a project from roaming eyes.
Name = Marker
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:M:Marker
Size: 16K Date: 2/23/92 Version: 1.0b6
Marker 1.0b6 - No, it’s not an INIT or a CDEV, it’s not even a desk
accessory. It’s an application that is System 7 friendly, and runs in a
64k partition. Marker Maker takes a source file created in THINK C, parses
the C source code, and marked each function name it comes across (not the
prototypes, only the actual function where it’s defined). You run it, and
through a standard get file dialog, you select the file or folder, and away
it goes. Most files are marked in less than a second. The next time you
open the file in the THINK C editor, all of the function names in the file
will be there when you command-click in the title bar. It’s that simple.
Name = Marker Control
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:M:Marker Control
Size: 17K Date:12/23/92 Version: .6b
Marker Control - This is a new version of Marker Control, a control panel
that causes files in THINK C to be marked and their window positions saved.
Name = MaxQuadraFloat
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:M:MaxQuadraFloat
Size: 5K Date: 4/12/93 Version:
MaxQuadraFloat - Wonder why you don't seem to be getting the performance
improvement on the Quadra with floating-point that you should? While the
Quadra is maybe an order of magnitude faster in floating-point addition,
subtraction, multiplication, and division, it does not implement the 6888x
FINTRZ instruction, so conversions from float to int take 4 times longer on
the Quadra than the FX. FINTRZ means "float-to-int, rounding toward zero",
and is the rounding method that is specified by C. One the 68040, the
FINTRZ instruction is not implemented, and is implemented through a trap.
Name = MemMapper1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:M:MemMapper1.1
Size: 21K Date: 4/21/93 Version: 1.1
MemMapper1.1 - f you've done any programming on the Mac you've probably
seen drawings of the Macintosh's memory map. This is a grid which
graphically shows the location of various system structures and programs in
RAM and where they are in relation to each other. Well, just to make all
that theory seem more real, Memory Mapper will draw that map for you so you
can see exactly what is living in your Mac's RAM right now. Version 1.1
improves the color of the display and has a few other minor changes.
Name = Memory Mapper 1.1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:M:Memory Mapper 1.1.1
Size: 21K Date:11/10/93 Version: 1.1.1
Memory Mapper 1.1.1 - If you’ve done any programming on the Mac you've
probably seen drawings of the Macintosh’s memory map. The memory map is a
grid which graphically shows the location of various system structures in
RAM and where they are in relation to each other. Memory Mapper does it’s
magic by looking at low-memory globals, querying the Process Manager, and
checking the page state of each piece of memory (if virtual memory is on).
Consequently, Memory Mapper requires System 7. Full documentation is
Name = MiniScreen
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:M:MiniScreen
Size: 18K Date: 4/14/92 Version: 1.7
MiniScreen temporarily changes your monitor's desktop to any size you
desire, such as the dinky, nine-inch "Classic" monitor. It is most
excellent for debuging your work for a 9 inch screen or game playing.
Version 1.7. The pop-up menu of standard monitor sizes has been updated
to include all known commercial monitor dimensions at this time.
Name = Mobius Generator2.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:M:Mobius Generator2.0
Size: 68K Date: 6/02/93 Version: 2.0
Mobius Generator 2.0 - Mobius Strip Maker draws an elusive surface known as
a Mobius Strip (a shape with only one side.) You can vary parameters and
graph the results. The interface is clean and intuitive, and it supports
saving files, printing files, and some extremely intricate graphics. A
Mobius screen saver is also included.
Name = Monitor
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:M:Monitor
Size: 11K Date: 1/14/90 Version:
Monitor.sit is a program for monitoring the serial ports of the Mac.
Name = MouseTracker
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:M:MouseTracker
Size: 15K Date: 8/26/93 Version:
MouseTracker - This utility is helpful when you want to find the local
mouse coordinates of a point in a selected window or the global mouse
coordinates of a point on the screen. The author keeps it in his Apple Menu
Items folder for use in setting up Rects in graphic routines. To get the
local coordinates of a window, select Local from the Track menu and align
the indicator lines in the MouseTracker window up with the base of the
title bar (or info header, depending on how your have setup your windows)
and the left edge of the selected window. Note - MouseTracker is not
background aware, so the MouseTracker window must be activated in order to
see the coordinates. Useful to programmers. Requires System 7.
Name = NIFTY
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:N-P:NIFTY
Size:291K Date: 1/01/92 Version:
Features Floating Windows, System 7, color, offscreen BitMaps and PixMaps,
the List Manger AND MUCH, MUCH MORE !!! Lots of C source code, together
with ".r" file. Contact John at (703) 569-2294 {YOUR nickel !!!!!}
Name = New IM Index
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:N-P:New IM Index
Size: 30K Date:10/02/92 Version:
New IM Index - These applications were written in assembly language using
the CDS assembler from Consulair. They were adapted from my earlier
effort, “Inside Mac I-V Index DA”. The Inside Mac Index file is now part
of the resource fork of each application, so you no longer have to worry
about it cluttering up your System folder. These applications have been
tested on a Mac 512Ke under System 6.05, an SE/30 under System 7, and a Mac
IIci under System 7. If you have another kind of Mac and System it should
work, but I can't guarantee that.
Name = New Inside Mac Map
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:N-P:New Inside Mac Map
Size: 8K Date: 9/04/92 Version:
New Inside Mac Map - This is a PICT (grayscale) file that describes the new
edition of Inside Macintosh from Addison-Wesley. It describes each of the
volumes available.
Name = OL Developer's Kit Doc
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:N-P:OL Developer's Kit Doc
Size: 7K Date: 3/22/92 Version:
This is the On Location Developers kit.
Name = OL File Kinds Editing
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:N-P:OL File Kinds Editing
Size: 2K Date: 3/22/92 Version:
This file contains information on editing On Location file types.
Name = OOP for C
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:N-P:OOP for C
Size: 83K Date:12/19/88 Version:
OOP libraries for C. Good stuff for thought.
Name = Object I/O Reference Demo
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:N-P:Object I/O Reference Demo
Size: 32K Date: 4/09/92 Version:
Object I/O Reference Demo - The enclosed Object I/O Reference Demo is an
abbreviated version of the hypertext manual provided with Object I/O 1.1.
Many people have asked us basic questions about what object I/O is for and
why do they need it. We felt the best learning tool at our disposal is the
tutorial section of the reference. Several have also commented that object
I/O is only for advanced users of the TCL. We believe just the opposite,
that object I/O will let beginning users prototype a *working* application
that saves and opens documents, instead of a dummy program with just a user
Name = On Location Indexes on CD-ROM's
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:N-P:On Location Indexes on CD-ROM's
Size: 4K Date: 3/04/92 Version:
This file discusses how to make On Location index's work properly on
Name = one liners
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:N-P:one liners
Size: 5K Date: 7/24/91 Version:
Great collection of brief bits of programming advice and tricks.
Name = Osi oop demo
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:N-P:Osi oop demo
Size: 14K Date: 9/24/92 Version:
Osi oop demo - OSI OOP was written in THINK C 5.0.2 using it's built-in
object oriented extensions. The resources were created using Resorcerer and
ResEdit. OSI OOP implements a layered open systems interconnection approach
to data communications and includes session, transport, and data link
layers. The layers are designed (and commented) to allow you to easily
implement CRC calculation, error checking, framing, and much more,
depending on your needs. This demo supports serial ports only (via the
fully functional CSerialPort object).
Name = PICTButton CDEF 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:N-P:PICTButton CDEF 1.0
Size: 4K Date: 9/01/93 Version: 1.0
PICTButton CDEF 1.0 - This is a CDEF (control definition) that allows you
to use pictures as buttons instead of the drab black and white buttons that
you are used to. You can use it just about anywhere. I've tested it on
various machines. To use the CDEF, create a CNTL whose value field contains
the resource ID of the picture you want as the default for the button. For
example, you might use PICT ID 1000. In this case, the table in the read me
tells you what pictures you need and what they are used for. If you do not
have a PICT of a certain ID and the CDEF is looking for it, things will
probably not work correctly. If PICTButton does not work on your setup, the
author would certainly like to hear about it.
Name = Peek a Boo 1.01
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:N-P:Peek a Boo 1.01
Size: 13K Date: 6/15/93 Version: 1.01
Peek a Boo 1.01 - Part of a family of programmer's tools. This is a 'Drag
and Drop' Application that lists the Flags and Details, used by the Finder,
of any file dropped onto them. The Type and Creator codes are useful and so
is the condition of some of the other flags etc.
Name = Photo CD Compatibility
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:N-P:Photo CD Compatibility
Size: 7K Date: 5/14/93 Version:
Photo CD Compatibility - this is a list of all the drives that are Photo CD
Name = PixelFlipper src
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:N-P:PixelFlipper src
Size: 39K Date: 7/24/91 Version:
C source code for Pixel Flipper 1.0.1b2, which allows you to change the
screen depth of your monitor. Does many functions performed by Apple's
Monitors cdev without the need for a time-consuming trip to the Conbtrol
Panel. Has popup menus and should work with multiple monitors. Mac
II-series only.
Name = Pocket Forth6.3
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:N-P:Pocket Forth6.3
Size:228K Date: 8/20/93 Version: 6.3
Pocket Forth6.3 - Pocket Forth, is an alternative programming language for
Macintosh computers. The Forth is a language which stresses efficiency and
performance while providing a modern and flexible interface. Use Pocket
Forth to write compact stand alone applications (or DA's for those who want
'em). Learn Forth and explore the Macintosh's capabilities. You get access
to the complete toolbox, Apple Events, integer and floating point math,
high level and machine language programming with a fast interpreter and
compiler. New to this release are bug fixes, some new features and all new
extension files. An extension to provide compatibility with Starting FORTH
makes learning Forth easier than ever.
Name = PopUpMenu Demo
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:N-P:PopUpMenu Demo
Size: 31K Date: 2/14/92 Version:
PopUpMenu Demo is a Demo of System 7’s popup menu CDEF, in THINK C.
Name = PowerBreak
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:N-P:PowerBreak
Size: 3K Date:10/09/92 Version: 1.0
PowerBreak - PowerBreak is a tiny extension that allows developers and
anyone else who uses Macsbug to drop into the debugger as though they had
hit the programmer's key available on other Macs. It was created because I
recently bought a PowerBook 145 and found that the only way to drop into
the debugger was to stick a small object into this little cavity on the
back (like the way you eject floppies from a disfunctional drive). What a
pain! Hence, PowerBreak (But it can be used on non-porta-macs too!)
Name = Primer source changes
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:N-P:Primer source changes
Size: 13K Date:11/01/91 Version:
This Compactor archive contains primer changes for the Mark & Reed
C and Pascal programming Primers. These are program changes made
necessary by the release of Think C 5.0 and Think Pascal 4.0.
Original file posted by Dave Mark with a request for as wide a
distribution as possible.
Name = Prism
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:N-P:Prism
Size:109K Date: 6/10/92 Version:
Prism - These files allow you to manipulate the System palate colors and
provides some interesting and colorful work environments.
Name = Process Finder
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:N-P:Process Finder
Size: 56K Date:12/29/92 Version:
Process Finder - Process Finder is an application that displays all running
processes and allows you to view information about each process and to send
quit events. Process Finder also explores some experimental user interface
Name = Prog.BagofTricks1.1a
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:N-P:Prog.BagofTricks1.1a
Size:110K Date:10/02/92 Version: 1.1
Prog.BagofTricks1.1a - Experienced programmers have been buying BOT like
crazy because it simply handles things "real" programmer just don't want to
fool around with. My personal favorites are the New List Manager and the
Scroll Bars. I always dreaded putting those in my app. And unlike most
other packages, you can use them stand-alone. Nearly every other package
on the Mac has you using someone else's event loop. With other packages
you have to use all or nothing. But with BOT you pick what you want and
simply link it into your program.
Name = Progress CDEF
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:N-P:Progress CDEF
Size: 3K Date:12/23/92 Version:
Progress CDEF - This is a CDEF for a progress box. It's very flexable. Any
size you like, any old-sytle Quickdraw color you like. Very useful if
displaying progress of an operation like a file copy or file transfer.
Name = QAPict
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:Q-R:QAPict
Size: 30K Date: 4/12/93 Version:
QAPict - This is a PICT viewer application which was written using
QuickApp. QuickApp is a C++ applications framework. Designed in the
tradition of MacAppr, its' style will be instantly familiar to any MacApp
programmer. QuickApp is not designed to replace MacApp for development of
large scale projects, but as a new tool for your development needs.
QuickApp strips away all but the crucial features which MacApp provides.
This allows QuickApp to have blazingly fast compile times, and generate
applications with trivially small code sizes. It also makes it easy to
Name = QB->FB
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:Q-R:QB->FB
Size: 62K Date: 3/26/93 Version:
QB->FB - This conversion program will translate a QuickBASIC source code
file saved in TEXT format into a source code TEXT file FutureBASIC can use.
It will convert approximately 80% of the QB keywords into FB syntax
including a majority of CLR and Toolbox calls. It will also convert
multi-line IF/THEN statements into FB's LONG IF structures, change
multi-statement lines containing colons into single lines. Additionaly, it
will convert QB subroutine labels to FB format and convert SUBs into LOCAL
FNs. It also attempts to mark every statement not converted with
appropriate references to the Reference or Handbook manuals for help in
fixing your source code.
Name = RFZap 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:Q-R:RFZap 1.0
Size: 13K Date: 8/26/93 Version: 1.0
RFZap 1.0 - RFZap is a small drop-box type application that deletes the
resource fork of any file. The need for RFZap came about because the
FIDONetmailer Tabby has problems with the resource forks of files, which
result in a trashed resource fork. However, some Bulletin Boards (BBSs),
including TeleFinder, FirstClass, and NovaLink use the resource fork of the
archive file to hold a description. If a file's resource fork is trash,
then you can't edit or add a description. Previously, the only way to fix a
Stuffit archive with a bad resource fork was to uncompress it and
recompress it. Now, simply by dropping the archive onto RFZap the offending
resource fork will be deleted. Use wisely, and read the docs!
Name = RGBlotter1.0.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:Q-R:RGBlotter1.0.1
Size: 10K Date: 4/14/93 Version: 1.01
RGBlotter1.0.1 - RGBlotter is a "color picker" programming aid, with
several features I haven't seen in similar utilities. First, you can
display both a foreground and background color. The components of each are
displayed both numerically and graphically. You can copy the foreground
color to the background color and vice versa. There is a display
contrasting the two with sample text and simple graphics.
Name = RIFF File Format
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:Q-R:RIFF File Format
Size: 30K Date:11/24/87 Version:
Riff file format.
Name = ROM calls – For Developers
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:Q-R:ROM calls – For Developers
Size: 7K Date:10/02/92 Version:
ROM calls – For Developers - Information on ROM calls for development use.
Name = RR/Tabby Source Code
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:Q-R:RR/Tabby Source Code
Size: 64K Date: 5/29/90 Version:
Source Code for Import 2.55, Export 3.21, Mantissa 1.0 and Sundail 2.1.
Illustrates various methods used to manipulate Second/Sight and Tabby
data. Demonstates Block Reads, use of Indexes & STR's amoung other things.
Excellent material for the sysop who is just starting out in writing
BBS utilities. Hopefully, these will prevent you from re-inventing the
wheel. Good luck and Hope see a flood of new utilities in the near future.
Keywords: Source,Tabby,SS,Lininger,Import,Export>
Name = RefCon Snoop Installer V1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:Q-R:RefCon Snoop Installer V1.1
Size: 18K Date: 6/08/92 Version: 1.1
RefCon Snoop Installer V1.1 - is a small F Key that allows you to examine
the data that is pointed to in the RefCon Field in a Windows window record.
Probably only useful to programers and snoops (grin). Shareware.
Name = Reference Link1.2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:Q-R:Reference Link1.2
Size: 9K Date: 4/12/93 Version: 1.2
Reference Link1.2 - Reference Link is a System 7-only INIT that makes THINK
Reference 2.0 easier to use. With R.L. installed, a modified double-click
on a word in a text editor or word processor causes the word to be looked
up in THINK Reference 2.0. A keystroke jumps back to the editor. Freeware
V. 1.1 now works right with the Alpha editor, and uses the same keystroke
for jump-back as for look-up. V. 1.1.1 fixes a conflict with Logitech's
MouseKey. v. 1.2 now has a template lookup keystroke, and no longer uses a
background process.
Name = ResCompare 2.5.3
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:Q-R:ResCompare 2.5.3
Size: 97K Date:11/10/93 Version: 2.5.3
ResCompare 2.5.3 - ResCompare is a programmer’s utility that compares
resource files. Use it to - find out what resources you changed while
working at home late last night, find out what resources the rest of the
team changed in the project you’re all working on while you were on
vacation, see what resources have changed between versions 1.0 and 1.0.1 of
your favorite application; create a Patch application that will apply
changes to applications and other files, which you can use to distribute
upgrades of your software without sending a new copy of the entire
application; or just get a quick list of the resources in any file. Use
this program with care, and only when you know how!
Name = Resorcerer 1.2.1demo
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:Q-R:Resorcerer 1.2.1demo
Size:663K Date:11/20/93 Version: 1.2.1demo
Resorcerer 1.2.1demo - Resorcerer is a large Mac application that has been
in use and under continuous development for the last six years. It features
a single window file interface that lets you browse resources easily;
visible accumulating clipboard file; resource hex/text searching; resource
marking; visible editing attributes (including which ones are open, which
changed); ability to change IDs, attributes, and even types of any group of
resources all at once, with undo; integral data fork editing; resource file
comparison; simple scripting language for building complex resource files;
compatibility with Mac programming guidelines and much more. If you like
ResEdit, try this one! This demo will not let you save any changes.
Name = RezTag
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:Q-R:RezTag
Size: 16K Date:10/01/89 Version:
RezTag.sit - allows you to view resources in system and finder files.
Name = RoadToMac-C
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:Q-R:RoadToMac-C
Size: 13K Date: 6/09/92 Version:
RoadToMac-C - The Road To Mac is a tutorial for beginning Macintosh
programmers. Now available for THINK C 5.0, the tutorial includes an
130-page handbook and a diskette with code and resources. The Road to Mac
provides a series of carefully-constructed lessons which take the user from
very simple programs all the way to Desk Accessories every step builds upon
the last, and is explained clearly and understandably. The only
requirements are a Mac, Think C 5.0, a copy of ResEdit 2.0, some minimal
familiarity with C, and a desire to learn to program.
Name = Rsrc Leech 1.0b2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:Q-R:Rsrc Leech 1.0b2
Size: 14K Date: 7/01/93 Version: 1.0b2
Rsrc Leech 1.0b2 - This application lets you extract the contents of a
resource in a file, and copy it into the data fork of a new file. It lets
the user leech (or extract) all or any of the resources of a specified type
in a specified file, and leeches them into a data file with the file type
and creator provided by the user. This program only works on machines with
at least the 128K ROM, i.e. anything from a 512KE Mac upwards. I have only
tried it on a Mac Plus at present, but it should work on the others also.
Let me know if you have any problems, and I’ll try to fix them.
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:S:SERIAL.PAS
Size: 3K Date: 7/24/91 Version:
Very simple Think Pascal program that shows how to use the serial driver to
transmit data over the modem port. It impeements a trivial terminal
Name = Sad Mac Error Codes 1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:S:Sad Mac Error Codes 1.1
Size: 9K Date:12/29/92 Version: 1.1
Sad Mac Error Codes 1.1 - When you press the interrupt button on the side
of your Macintosh when booting, you should get a sad Mac icon with '0F000D'
and some bits cycling under the icon indicating it is performing a memory
test. This numeric code is in two parts, the first two characters are the
class code and the second four are the sub code. The class code tells what
part of the diagnostic program found the error and the sub class code tells
what the error was. In the case of a bad RAM chip, the sub class
identifies the bad chip (this was very helpful to homegrown upgraders).
Name = SaveATree 1.52
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:S:SaveATree 1.52
Size: 29K Date: 1/06/92 Version: 1.52
Save A Tree is a text file printing utility designed to conserve paper by
printing on 1 page what would normally use 2 or 4 pages. Since Save A Tree
only handles 'TEXT' files, I expect its primary audience will be
programmers printing source code. Although, the word wrap option makes it
useful for general text printing too. Because of the small font sizes used,
Save A Tree works best on high resolution printers. Use of Save A Tree is
free of charge. I encourage you to share it freely. Copies of the source
(THINK C) may be obtained for $20 and a disk w/SASE.
Name = Scientist's Spreadsheet
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:S:Scientist's Spreadsheet
Size: 93K Date:10/02/92 Version: 2.17
Scientist's Spreadsheet - more than just a spreadsheet - can plot data,
manipulate data (for example, calculate all the logarithms of the data in 1
column and insert them in another column), analyze data etc.
Name = ScreenSize
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:S:ScreenSize
Size: 4K Date: 5/01/93 Version:
ScreenSize - This simple utility displays the coordinates of the bottom
right side of your monitor. Useful if you need to know the size of your
screen and have misplaced your documentation. This program is freeware.
Name = ScriptGen 2.13
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:S:ScriptGen 2.13
Size:389K Date: 7/07/93 Version: 2.13
ScriptGen 2.13 - ScriptGen is a simple and feature-rich Installer script
generator. This program serves as a demo of ScriptGen Pro. The
point-and-click interface of ScriptGen Pro makes it the tool of choice for
developers and network support personnel who want to use the industry
standard for installing software, Apple’s “one-button” Installer. ScriptGen
Pro can create powerful Installer scripts incorporating an Easy Install
option, custom packages, resource installation, color graphics,
compression, sound, splash screens, and fonts. ScriptGen is System 7 savvy
& dependent.
Name = Serial Demo
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:S:Serial Demo
Size: 4K Date:12/08/91 Version:
Serial Demo program adapted from SerialDemo.c by Mark Y. Geschelin.
This program uses the modem port to send and recieve characters. It
functions as a very simple terminal emulator. This is meant to be an
example of the use of the Serial Manager, not an example of how to code a
terminal emulator!! Compile this program with Runtime.lib, Interface.lib,
and Serial.p Pascal port by Phil Shapiro and Mark Y. Geschelin.
Name = Shell
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:S:Shell
Size: 12K Date: 6/15/92 Version:
Shell - Application Shell -- Version 1.00 -- Nov 5, 1989 Copyright (c)
1989 by Neal E. Trautman, 'ShareWare' -- Please send $5 contribution to,
Neal Trautman, 1701 S.W. 42nd Street, Fargo, ND 58103. This is a simple
application shell.
Name = Signal Processing
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:S:Signal Processing
Size: 79K Date:10/02/92 Version:
Signal Processing - a collection of programs from Drexel University to do
signal processing analysis such as Fourier transforms and correlation.
NOTE: these programs can show some problems with System 7 or later, such as
stray graphics left on the Desktop.
Name = SillyIcons
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:S:SillyIcons
Size: 11K Date: 1/30/92 Version:
The enclosed files are an exercise in using the routines described in the
initial issue of Tech Note 306. These routines are PlotIconID and
PlotCIconHandle. See the Tech Note (available elsewhere online) for
details. For small (16x16) and mini (12x12) icons, I see a solid Macintosh
crash when PlotIconID is applying transforms other than ttNone and
ttSelected. That is why the word “crash” appears in those positions in the
window. Since Finder manages to plot small icons using all the transforms,
why can’t I?
Name = Small Screen 1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:S:Small Screen 1.1
Size: 10K Date:10/14/92 Version: 1.1
Small Screen 1.1 - On a sufficiently large screen, Small Screen shows the
boundaries of one or more smaller screens. It is useful for testing whether
something would fit on a small screen. Each screen boundary is represented
by a transparent window with rounded corners. Optionally, a hard disk
and/or a trash can icon is shown at the appropriate positions (i.e. where
the real icons would appear on a freshly installed System 7).
Name = Smaller Installer Pack1.02
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:S:Smaller Installer Pack1.02
Size:111K Date: 7/07/93 Version: 1.02
Smaller Installer Package 1.02 - Smaller Installer is an installer program
created for developers who distribute software, clip art, HyperCard stacks,
databases or other information on floppy disks. It provides a way to
distribute data in a compressed format to reduce the number of disks
required. Many developers already use self-extracting archives created by
Compact Pro for this purpose. Although this is an inexpensive solution,
self-extracting archives have several limitations which make them less than
ideal for this purpose. Smaller Installer is designed to address some of
these limitations.
Name = SoftPolish Demo
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:S:SoftPolish Demo
Size:146K Date: 4/12/93 Version: demo
SoftPolish Demo - SoftPolish is a quality assurance tool that helps
software. developers ship clean and consistent applications. SoftPolish
checks elements of the user interface that are contained in resources and
reports potential problems to a scrolling log. It also performs hundreds of
tests that are not visible to the user but may cause incompatibility with
Macintosh System Software. This demo illustrates the SoftPolish user
interface, including many options for scanning and cleaning files, folders,
or disks. The sample file may be opened and viewed, however most other
functions are disabled.
Name = Splat!
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:S:Splat!
Size: 11K Date: 2/23/93 Version:
Splat! - This is a ResEdit file with two resources. A Splat! Pict, and a
Splat! sound (snd). With ResEdit, one skilled in the art (its actually
quite easy) could paste the snd and pict into the Madness-Rage control
panel, or the Madness-Rage Demo, or (I assume) the Insanity CDEV
(These CDEVs allow you to shoot your Mac, i.e. bulletholes and blood...)
Once done, the CDEV will have a paintball gun effect and sound.
This is really only for those who know how to use ResEdit.
Name = Stevie
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:S:Stevie
Size: 32K Date:10/28/93 Version:
Stevie - Stevie is an editor created in 1988 designed to mimic the
interface of the UNIX editor 'vi'. Stevie is an aspiring vi clone. On the
whole, the editor is pretty complete. Almost all of the visual mode
commands are supported. The biggest failing at the moment is that the undo
command is in a state of disrepair. The author has tried hard to capture
the feel of vi by getting the little things right. Be sure to see the About
Stevie under the Apple for help with the commands (can't just use the Mac).
Name = Stringifier
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:S:Stringifier
Size: 22K Date: 7/24/91 Version:
Stringifier is designed to let you import plain old text files into STR#
resources. The strings in the text files can be separated (delimited) by a
choice of characters such as carriage returns, tabs, etc. This allows you
to manage your strings outside of ResEdit and simply import them into your
program after making an update. For minor changes you can still use
ResEdit. Stringifier has a TRUE MAC INTERFACE. If you're using the
competing program Text->Res you'll enjoy the smoothness and completeness of
Stringifier. Shareware ($12) by Gary Kowalski.
Name = StuffIt Engine™.MacWrite
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:S:StuffIt Engine™.MacWrite
Size: 13K Date: 7/24/91 Version:
MacWrite document describes the Compactor Engine and how to call it. The
Compctr Engine allows third party developers to add Stuffing and UnStuffing
to their applications. Developers already using this feature include
Aladdin, CE Software, Microsoft and even Apple Computer.
Name = SurferPlus
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:S:SurferPlus
Size:250K Date: 7/24/91 Version:
SurferPlus contains sample Communications Toolbox application and source
code in C.
Name = System Watch 1.2.2
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:S:System Watch 1.2.2
Size: 18K Date: 1/07/92 Version: 1.2.2
Swatch helps you track down heap bugs. It’s also lotso fun to watch. It’s
intended for programmers; however, normal people might enjoy it, too. To
install Swatch, move Swatch INIT and Swatch Riff into your System Folder
and reboot. For System 7 installation, just move the Swatch Riff into your
Preferences folder—the INIT is not needed (hurrah!). Actually, the Riff
isn't really needed, either. Heck, just run Swatch and watch.
Name = TE32K
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:T:TE32K
Size: 58K Date: 3/26/93 Version:
TE32K - TE32K is designed to be a more-or-less “plug in” replacement for
the Macintosh Toolbox TextEdit package. The major difference between the
two editor packages is that TE32K allows for the manipulation of text-files
LARGER than 32K. There are a few other differences as well, most of which
are shortcomings due to laziness on my part, but since this source code is
provided to you gratis, please feel free to modify it in whatever twisted
way your warped little heart desires. If you do improve it in any way,
please be kind enough to share your work with the rest of us (i.e. send me
a copy so I can keep track of TE32K's current state of evolution!).
Name = THINK Back 1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:T:THINK Back 1.1
Size: 10K Date: 7/28/92 Version: 1.1
THINK Back 1.1 - use of a time manager task to regulate calls to
WaitNextEvent, allowing for better control over multifinder friendlines
- use of the new icon manager calls, for color notification icons THINK
Back is an extension that lets you put compiles in the background. If
you're using THINK C or THINK Pascal, you can use this INIT to let you
start a long compile, put THINK C or Pascal in the background, and use your
machine for something else while the compiler's working. When the compile
is complete, the Notification manager is used to tell you that it's done.
Name = THINK C 5.0.4 Update
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:T:THINK C 5.0.4 Update
Size:323K Date:12/23/92 Version: 5.04U
THINK C 5.0.4 Update - The THINK C 5.0.4 update corrects problems with the
Quadra, the code motion optimization, and other problems present in earlier
versions. The converter program can convert THINK C 5.0, 5.0.1, 5.0.2 and
5.0.3 to THINK C 5.0.4.
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:T:THINK FONTs
Size: 19K Date: 5/31/93 Version:
THINK FONTs - This is a program to aid Development with Symantec's THINK C
v4.0, THINK C version 5.0 (...and possibly version 6.0). It is an extension
to the Editor that allows you to change fonts, sizes, and tabs simply by
selecting a directory or file using SFGetFile() calls. Using this program
should produce quicker development time by standardizing fonts, font sizes,
and tabs for all the source files in your projects. No more messy dialogs
or popup menus to slow you down.
Name = THINK Power 1.0b1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:T:THINK Power 1.0b1
Size: 35K Date:11/20/93 Version: 1.0b1
THINK Power 1.0b1 - This package contains the first public beta release of
THINK Power, a real cool hack for THINK C users. To install THINK Power,
just drop the file and the "THINK Power Extensions" folder in your
Extensions folder. This version only works with the THINK Project Manager
6.0 and 6.0.1. There are lots of bug that need to be fixed. These features
work - PopUp functions, Most of the shortcuts, Kissing, and Version 1
callbacks in extensions. These features are not yet implemented or very
buggy - PopUp headers, Version 2 callbacks and The "Move cursor page
up/down" shortcuts. If you find bugs or if you have suggestions, ideas or
comments, then please send the author some Email.
Name = THINK Reference Demo
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:T:THINK Reference Demo
Size:153K Date: 3/04/92 Version:
Here's a demo copy of THINK Reference 1.0 that's freely distributable. It
contains only one manager (the Window Manager), but it should provide a
good idea about what the THINK Reference is and how it works. The THINK
Reference is an online utility for Macintosh programmers that contains a
cross-referenced version of most of the Managers discussed in Inside Mac
I-V. It can be used with the THINK compilers or with any other compiler,
and it will run under System 6 or 7.
Name = TIFF Code
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:T:TIFF Code
Size:122K Date: 5/31/88 Version:
Source For r/w TIFF files. Dr Dobbs article
Name = TSiGraphics Preview
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:T:TSiGraphics Preview
Size:139K Date: 4/12/93 Version:
TSiGraphics Preview - TSiGraphics gives you total control over the FORTRAN
plotting environment. Multiple subroutine calls are used to create graphics
windows and 2D or 3D plots TSiGraphics provides both high-level and
low-level plotting routines. Up to 10 graphics windows are supported, and
each window may contain multiple plots. Graphics windows are fully
integrated with the standard FORTRAN text window and may be resized, saved,
printed, or pasted into other applications. “Real Time” plotting is
supported for animation effects.
Name = Text Editor Patches 1.3
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:T:Text Editor Patches 1.3
Size: 18K Date:11/20/93 Version: 1.3
Text Editor Patches 1.3 - This application applies various patches to other
applications or to desk accessories. This approach gives more control over
conflicts and memory bloat than extending application behavior by adding
extensions to the system. The patching process adds certain resources to
the application. No existing resources are modified, so it is easy to
remove the patches if desired. The patches have been tested with ASLEdit+,
BBEdit, and THINK C 5.0. The HyperCard patch has been tested with HyperCard
2.1, and the AOL patch has been tested with America Online 2.0.1. They may
work with many other programs, but proceed at your own risk. Documentation
is inside the patch program. Be sure to read it!
Name = Texx0.3
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:T:Texx0.3
Size:100K Date:11/22/93 Version: 0.3
Texx0.3 - This is the third release version of the Texx scripting
interpreter. This scripting language is an attempt to implement a version
of the Rexx interpreter that is commonly used on IBM's VM/CMS mainframe
operating system. This version of Texx is far from a full implementation,
so don't think that you can copy your CMS execs and run them on your Mac.
This is a very minimal implementation, however, it still adds additional
functionality to the Mac OS. My plans are to keep updating Texx and
hopefully it will mimic the mainframe version very closely. Requires System
7. The Manual is in MacWrite format.
Name = The Journal
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:T:The Journal
Size: 57K Date: 7/24/91 Version:
This is a cdev/INIT/DRVR combination that takes advantage of the journaling
mechanism of the Event Manager (Inside Mac vol I). The archive contains
full ThinkC source for all components. The code and driver are public
domain and free... enjoy.
Name = TheUpdater1.10a
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:T:TheUpdater1.10a
Size: 48K Date:11/22/93 Version: 1.10a
TheUpdater1.10a - TheUpdater contains two applications to simplify updating
ANYTHING... The first application, Update Builder, asks you for the OLD
version, and then the NEW version. Then Update Builder crunches through the
two files (which, by the way, can be completely different kinds of files!),
determining what has changed. It then pops out a simple document that
describes the changes to the other application - Updater! Could it be any
Name = Think/macsbug ƒ
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:T:Think/macsbug ƒ
Size: 5K Date: 4/28/91 Version:
This file contains Resedit templates to help you work with Think C and
Macsbugs more effectively.
Name = Think Reference Lookup Key
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:T:Think Reference Lookup Key
Size: 2K Date: 3/26/93 Version:
Think Reference Lookup Key - This QuicKeys sequence sends an AppleEvent to
Think Reference 2.0 to do a lookup on the current selection and pastes in
the template.
Name = TileCDEF
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:T:TileCDEF
Size: 13K Date:10/09/89 Version:
TileCDEF.sit - Turbo pascal Tile CDEF resource for writting buttons similar
to Hypercards with icins. This version works with 32 bit color and runs on
system 7.0.
Name = ToolboxReference
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:T:ToolboxReference
Size: 59K Date: 9/19/92 Version:
ToolboxReference - This is an upgrade of the first version of this which I
uploaded back in March. I hope it fixes a few small bugs. Basically this
hypercard stack lets programmers search for toolbox routines by partial
names and then shows you the required prototypes as well as the Inside
Macintosh reference. Only includes IM volumes 1-5 (so it has none of the
new system 7 routines). Also lets you search by toolbox manager to collect
all the prototypes for say the Window Manager or the Dialog Manager, etc.
Name = Tri-Menu
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:T:Tri-Menu
Size: 62K Date: 7/22/93 Version:
Tri-Menu - Anyone out there who is sick of the old Pop-up menus, look no
further. Using those great triangles from System 7, which we all love, I
developed a new type of menu. Give it a try. I love them. It also uses
offscreen bitmapping in the code, which is useful if one is trying to learn
animation techniques. This file will be of interest to anyone who enjoys
menu programming. This file needs some manipulation to work, and is not for
the faint at heart.
Name = TrueType™ Test Tool
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:T:TrueType™ Test Tool
Size:376K Date: 5/25/91 Version: 1.24
This file contains Flirt 1.24 for testing fonts and as a programer tool for
font development.
Name = TurboT
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:T:TurboT
Size: 10K Date:10/31/92 Version:
TurboT - HelloTurboTabby (HTT) is a modified HelloTabby (HT), by Pete
Johnson. HT was modified by Michael Lininger on 12-16-89 so it would be
compatitable with Turbo Pascal. It was orginally written for the lightspeed
pascal envrioment. HTT is for use with the Tubro Pascal Enviroment.
Name = UMPG Stack
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:U-Z:UMPG Stack
Size:281K Date: 6/08/92 Version:
UMPG Stack - This is the USENE Programers stack from our friens in Germany.
This stack contains programing information grouped by topic in yperCard
format for easy retrieval.
Name = UnArjMac
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:U-Z:UnArjMac
Size: 47K Date:10/26/92 Version:
UnArjMac - Unarjmac is a simple port of Robert Jung's unarj.c to the
Mac. It is a MINIMAL PORT; that is it makes absolutely minimal use of Mac
features. The reason for this was to minimize the intrusiveness of source
code changes into unarj.c, which will make future updates by Robert Jung
easy to keep up with. UnarjMac does not currently support macintosh path
names or creator/type application linking. Therefore it must be run from
the folder your arj file is in.
Name = VCR+
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:U-Z:VCR+
Size: 53K Date: 4/09/93 Version:
VCR+ - Two applications are included in this archive. One is a direct port
of the PC code into the console enviroment of Think C 5.0.4 (VCR Console)
The Think C project along with the the source files are included. The
second is a quick revision of the program to sport a Mac interface (or some
semblance thereof). Since I used AppMaker to throw together an interface,
it uses code from a support AppMaker library, this is why the code for the
mac-like version isn't included. (The AppMaker library is very large, so no
one would want to download it, besides I think I can't upload it in any
form without violating someone's license, so I'm covering my behind.
Name = Vaccinate
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:U-Z:Vaccinate
Size: 11K Date: 9/24/92 Version:
Vaccinate - This unit, when added to a Pascal source file, will allow
developers to include a routine which will cause any application to do a
self check when launched to dedect changes made to its resource file such
as those caused by viral infections. It is based on code by Nicholus
Pisaro, Jr. published by Mac Tutor, June 1992.
Name = VideoToolBox
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:U-Z:VideoToolBox
Size:769K Date: 4/14/93 Version:
VideoToolBox - This VideoToolBox is a collection of nearly 200 C
subroutines and several demo and utility programs written to do visual
psychophysics with Macintosh computers.
Name = ViewIt 2.2 Shareware
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:U-Z:ViewIt 2.2 Shareware
Size:756K Date:11/20/93 Version: 2.2
ViewIt 2.2 Shareware - A shareware version of ViewIt is being made
available to the Macintosh programming community as a way of introducing
ViewIt and other programming modules from FaceWare. ViewIt is one of the
best Mac programming tools available for creating powerful windows
containing many views and custom controls. In addition to ViewIt, this
package includes a complete list and description of other, non-shareware
FaceWare modules that support advanced custom controls, animation,
communications, database management, QuickDraw extensions, and 2D and 3D
plotting. FaceWare modules are reasonably priced, do not require license
fees, are compatible with all major languages and compilers.
Name = Voyeur 1.0
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:U-Z:Voyeur 1.0
Size: 72K Date:11/20/93 Version: 1.0
Voyeur 1.0 - Voyeur is a no frills file viewer. To use Voyeur, open a file,
if the file has a data fork, it will be opened; otherwise, the resource
fork will be opened. Once a file is open, its type and creator can be
modified, or the current fork's length can be altered. Neither of these
options is recommended unless you know what you're doing. Please use Voyeur
on copies only, since you can damage files!
Name = Window Elephant1.0d5
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:U-Z:Window Elephant1.0d5
Size: 9K Date: 1/06/92 Version: 1.0d5
Window Elephant is currently for use only with the Think C development
environment. More specifically it is for use by the Think C Debugger. It
works with version 4.0 (tested up to 4.0.5) of Think C and works under
System 6.0 to System 7.0. So what does it do? It remembers where you have
placed the source and data windows and restores their positions everytime
the Debugger is launched. That’s all (for this version at least).
Multiple monitors are, of course, supported. If you should move your copy
of Think C Debugger to another Mac that has a different monitor setup,
Window Elephant will let the debugger handle setting the windows in the
default position, then remember where they are from then on.
Name = Wrap FKEY 1.1
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:U-Z:Wrap FKEY 1.1
Size: 13K Date: 7/01/93 Version: 1.1
Wrap FKEY 1.1 - This FKEY allows (THINK) Pascal programmers to
effortlessly reformat blocks of comments to wrap nicely. Once installed,
the default for this FKEY is command-shift-8, but it can be changed to any
number using Suitcase or some similar utility.
Name = XLibrary
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:U-Z:XLibrary
Size:123K Date:10/26/92 Version:
xLibrary - is a simple to use, library orientated communications package
for the Macintosh. The package has been designed specifically with
librarians in mind to provide a simple and secure way of connecting to a
variety of remote ‘services’. A ‘service’ is defined as any process
running on a local or remote computer, e.g. an Online Public Access
Catalogue (OPAC). xLibrary allows for multiple, simultaneous services to be
active at any one time. A typical session might therefore include a
serial connection to your local OPAC in one window, whilst another window
displays information from a Campus-Wide Information System (CWIS).
Name = YACC
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:U-Z:YACC
Size:103K Date: 8/28/91 Version:
Yacc: Yet Another Compiler-Compiler. Stephen C. Johnson
Computer program input generally has some structure; in fact, every
computer program that does input can be thought of as defining an “input
language” which it accepts. An input language may be as complex as a
programming language, or as simple as a sequence of numbers. Unfortunately,
usual input facilities are limited, difficult to use, and often are lax
about checking their inputs for validity. Yacc provides a general tool for
describing the input to a computer program.
Name = 'Z' Basic 5.0x (ML)
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:U-Z:'Z' Basic 5.0x (ML)
Size: 48K Date:10/31/92 Version:
'Z' Basic 5.0x (ML) - ZFormat© is a utility for ZBasic© programmers that I
wrote one afternoon to help solve a problem I was having. I was working on
a very large program 16000+ lines of code. And these 16000+ lines of code
had been copied and pasted from many pieces of source code, some of them
typed in while in the ZBasic© Editor other lines were entered with one text
editor or another. By Mike Lininger.
Name = 'Z' and 'FB' Basic (ML)
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:U-Z:'Z' and 'FB' Basic (ML)
Size: 59K Date:10/31/92 Version:
'Z' and 'FB' Basic (ML) - This is the source code from Mike Lininger for
CRC and TEFind. This source is being released unsupported.
Name = zmodem.source
Path = Trilogy III:Files:Prog:U-Z:zmodem.source
Size: 65K Date: 5/07/89 Version:
Z Modem Code